A seed drill is known as very efficient farm equipment in agriculture as it allows sowing crop seeds in an evenly manner into the soil by metering out the placement and covering them to a fixed average depth. The seed drill plant seeds at equal distances and depth, and covers them safely as there can be a risk from pests and birds that eat the uncovered seeds. Before the introduction of the seed drills in farming, farmers had to plant the crops seeds manually by hands. While manual distribution of seeds causes inaccurate rows of plants and due to this it may also lead to low rate of produce.
Using of a seed drill facilitates the percentage of cropyield considerably. There have been launched some drill machines for metering out seeds also known as seed planters. The concept uses a mechanism that pick up seeds from the box and plants them into the earth through a tube. The disc seed drills also are useful to spread and mix fertilizer into the fields.
Key Functions of the Seed drills
- The length of the grooves for seed can be increased or decreased
- Seed are sown in the suitable pattern in the fields.
- Seed are uniformly and accurately sown at the desired and fixed depth in the soil.
- Covering the seed in the soil helps enhancing germination and emergence.
- Best to be used in areas where soil erosion occurs is common problem
Use of seed drill
The purpose of seed drill is mechanized sowing of agricultural crop seeds. A seed drill has a attached box filled with seeds in it and a series of tubes are attached with it that set the seeds at a fixed distance toallow best space required for the adequate growth of the plants.
The seed drills have made it very easier for farmers to sow seeds at fixed spaces and fixed depth in rows. Each tube attached to the seedbox drops in one or more seeds into the soil at a precise depth and also coversit. Using seed drill also helps to control weed in the field. The crops planted with a seed drill allow plant growth in a uniformed way in comparison to manual sowing.
Generally the field needs to be ploughed and harrowed before planting crop seeds. A plough is used to dig up the soil and the harrowsmoothens it further by breaking the clods. The drill needs a setting as perthe size of the seeds, and then the seeds are filled in the seed box on top.The drill is pulled behind a tractor attached to it planting seeds at fixed spaced and depth. Farmer can save plenty of time as seed drill sows seeds in multiplerows at the same time.
A seed drill is preferable choice for the farmers where soilerosion is a frequent occurrence. The soil in such areas does not need ploughingas disturbing the structure of the compact soil can cause erosion by wind andwater. In such cases a seed drills is the best farm equipment to plant seeds directly into the soil using seeds drills.